Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Applied Kinesiology

At this stage in my treatment, with the help of a mother-in-law who's is overly excited with the promises offered by "alternative medicine," I have decided to open up my mind a little and see what these folks have to say. Last week we saw a chap who sang the praises of some supplements that can be purchased in the nutrition section of your nearest food store including Maitake & Reishe mushrooms, Astragalus, Fish Oil, Milk Thistle. Certainly can't hurt trying, right? Well, hoping to find some consenses we visited a Chiropractor/Homeopath/Holistic medicine doctor yesterday. He started off by making a lot of common sense initially and then he exposed me to the *science* of Applied Kinesiology (you'll notice a link to Quackwatch from the Wikipedia page). This is when my scam artist sirens started to sound. His muscle testing resulted in the fact that all the tested NIKKEN products would be good match for me
(not surprising since he sells NIKKEN products) and that the vast majority of the other supplements I'm embarrassed to say I already own are bad for me (most of these supplements no doubt end up in the toilet bowl). Of course he couldn't make general recommendations as each would have to be taylored to my personal energy field. I really couldn't believe I was paying this _________ $120 for this? This is enough to turn me off this entire area of medicine and head back for another course of chemotherapy!

And in more tragic news, I was on this train last night.


At 6:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never been to, or had any faith in, such "doctors", either. Good to hear my sceptisism is shared. Next time you feel the need to part with $120, lemme know, I can use the cash! Thanks for the party pics, btw. Just one q: whose the Dr Evil guy on each of the shots?


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