Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A Little Good News

Saw Dr. Bonomi today and he seemed very positive with my results (while exhibiting the necessary amout of caution). The latest PET scan, he agrees, shows a marked improvement over the previous one and the worsening in the CT scan he feels can be attributed to inflammation caused by the radiation treatment I went through. Initially, he was content to let me wait six months and then let another CT scan determine how we would proceed. A little later though he changed his mind and prescribed Tarceva, just to be on the safe side. Not that Tarceva will necessarily work, he feels there is a chance (considering my status as a "neversmoker") that I might benefit from it and if in six months, after not having used this drug, tests showed no improvement or indeed a worsening then he would have regretted not prescribing it in the first place. So there we have it, a year of Tarceva coming right up.


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