Thursday, November 04, 2004

Rant: Isn't it just terrible that Bush gets another 4 years? Seriously feel that half the population have terrible and questionable values and should probably be in a country unto themselves. After listening to NPR and how the Christian conservatives were going off on how important it was that gay marriage/unions not be allowed as well as abortion and that's why they were compelled (by their ministers) to get out and vote for Bush. Well, how unimportant is it that 100,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq? God, according these guys, has given us a choice to make in our lives. I'm so grateful, that they've taken it upon themselves to make the decisions to the rest of our choices.

Chemo yesterday went off without a hitch. Although I did feel loopy when the Benadryl took effect. That in itself made the whole experience worthwhile. No nausea just yet, and that is probably thanks to the antiemetics I'm on. Radiation today was also uneventful, although I'm told I get to look forward to a sore throat in a couple of weeks.


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