Friday, October 15, 2004

It was PET scan day today. This is the big event we've been waiting for. Not a particularly harrowing experience except that the nurse struggled to get the IV into my hand and had to try again half way up my arm. I'm very happy to report she succeeded the second time around so I didn't have to play the role of pin-cushion for too long. I received a sedative before being infused with the radioactive glucose solution which is what makes the PET scan "work." Cancer cells, being more active than normal body cells, capture more of the glucose solution to metabolize it. The scanning device picks up the radioactive emmissions from the cancer cells as they tend to light up more than normal cells. Unfortunately, no results today since this all takes time to analyze so I won't know anything until I see the oncologist towards the middle of next week. Strange thing is, it wasn't until arriving home that I really got to experience the effects of the sedative.


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