Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Went to work yesterday. Well, didn't actually go to work, to work. The owners of our company threw a "thank-you" lunch for the RealTick team with the latest release of the product out of the door and receiving positive reviews. It was great to see the gang again even though only a month has passed since I was last in the office. Even better was to see them all dressed up in suits. Hard to imagine programmers cleaning up so well.

Today I was slotted into a cancellation to visit an ENT doctor. Well, for the uninitiated, that's an Ear Nose & Throat specialist (sure, you all knew that!). On the good side, I got to watch the TV output during my laryngoscopy. Quite amazing to see one's insides. On the bad side, my left vocal chord is paralysed, a side-effect of the nerve scraping that I endured while in surgery. A 50/50 chance that it will return to normal and it can take up to a year.


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