Saturday, May 14, 2005

Irregular Heartbeat

Inna just got back from a visit to her OB with the news that little Danny was suffering from an irregular heartbeat. A little alarmed, she reassured me with the fact that the follow-up ultrasound showed that everything was just fine and that these things, although a concern, are nothing to be worried about. Phew! Other things we learned:

  • Little Danny has a head full of hair.

  • He's got chubby cheeks.

  • At almost 35 weeks, he's the size of a 36 week baby.

  • He's already weighing in at six pounds.

  • The ultrasound technician thought his anatomy was exquisite.

I'm due to head off to Boston at the end of the month. I wonder if little Danny Boy is going to influence these plans in any way? They say that delivering after 37 weeks is considered full-term. So really, he can arrive any time after May 30th. And with the Braxton Hicks contractions already underway, who knows? Maybe we should pack the hospital bag?


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