Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Living on O2

Photo 11
Originally uploaded by Macknal.

So this is what it has come down to. Oxygen at home in order that I don't keel over from stressing my heart because I can't take enough air into my lung. So what's involved? Well, there's a large machine in the entrance way that generates the oxygen, while a long, long tube connects to the cannula which is what is stuck on my face. I can pretty much walk anywhere in the home and drag this tubing along with me. Fun isn't it? And for when I need to get out of the house, fear not, I get to carry a portable unit that should give me about 8 hours supply. The good thing is that when I'm sedentary, I typically don't need to be connected. Now if only they (Dependicare) will deliver the portable unit then I can actually get out of the house!


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