Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Thought we'd get a nice present from the Tax Man this year considering how things turned out at the end of 2004. Well Holy S#@$, I couldn't be more wrong! For some good reason, disability pay fails to deduct federal and state taxes from their paychecks (or more probably, I failed to complete some important forms during the initiation of the process). So now we have a lovey gift wrapped package for Mr. Tax Man instead :(

On a more positive note, we started the last cycle of chemotherapy today. Spent most of the session counting Z's as usual (got to love the Benadryl). One more session next week and then it should all be over (well, not counting the recovery and then the whole set of tests that will follow in good time). I was recently informed of a cancer patient who took January off from treatment to spend it in Sunny Florida. Seemed like such a brilliant idea that we decided to follow suit. So to finish off our treatment, we thought we'd spend a week on a sandy white beach in Cancun (doctor's orders :).


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